
Ghana Compost

Traveled to Accra, Ghana with a team of professors, student producers, creatives, and planners from the University of Oregon to promote the idea of composting. 61% of Ghana’s waste is compostable yet about 90% is openly dumped or burned.

The site is linked here.

Yen Asaase: “Our native land” in Twi, one of the many local languages of Ghana.
When you’re 21 you just go places. You live, learn and experience things… Often times on a whim. I traveled and lived in Ghana, Africa with a group of students from my university to research and support locals in composting. Over 50% of waste in Ghana is compostable.
*Earned an Honorable Mention in Fast Company’s 2019 World Changing Ideas. This work was also presented to the UN in 2018.

Radio Script written by me for the Accra, Ghana region: